
finding my inner chia

No sooner did exam season come than it left again and I was back to being carefree with a filofax ready to be filled with coffee dates. Then the heavens opened and washed away my plans of sunning, spritzing and people watching. After a few hours inside, sat around like a moaning myrtle, I decided to find my inner chia.

Thanks to Calgary Avansino, Deliciously Ella & Gwyneth Paltrow, chia seeds have taken over my insta-world.

Superfood Superfacts:
3 times more iron than spinach
5 times more calcium than milk
7 times more vitamin C than oranges
15 times more magnesium than broccoli
Full of omega-3, protein, anti-oxidants and fibre. If all that can't cure a mild case of MMS (Moaning Myrtle Syndrome) I don't know what can!

What a chia-full way to start your day...
Banana, blackcurrant, coconut, almond, cinnamon & chia smoothie 
Now i'm gonna go ahead and state the obvious... this next one looks a tadpole bit like frogspawn. But it's toad-ily not! This is Coconut, Raspberry & Pistachio Chia Pudding.
1/2 cup almond, rice or coconut milk
2 tbsp chia seeds
Simply stir & refrigerate, ideally overnight but 20mins will do

Now Pimp your Pud: honey, cocoa, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, vanilla, berries, cherries, ground nuts, whole nuts, fresh fruit & seeds etc.
So if like me you're experiencing a bit of MMS this month, this is a sure-fire way to chia up!

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