
a sisterly visit

Look who I found, wandering around the cobbled streets of Padova. My sister from another mister. Apparently word has got out that all we do here is drink coffee and eat burrata. Kat got wise of this and was on the next plane to Italy. Strictly in the interest of keeping up appearances, we planned a weekend of cafe-hopping, bar-hopping and burrata tasting. Starting with an espresso alla crema di nocciola.
I always love visitors. Not only because you get to spend quality time catching up, but it gives me the chance to play tourist in my own city. I'd completely forgotten about this little gem of a garden.
Caffè crema. These will change your world. They're velvety soft, creamy and sweet with only the tiniest hint of coffee. I am yet to meet a single person, coffee lover or hater, who isn't addicted to these.
Then we decided to extend our bar-hopping zone to Verona
Verona you look like a packet of liquorice allsorts
But you're a beauty
As are these two...
Man washing his feet in the river
Have you ever seen two people look so happy to climb a thousand stairs?
Our very own l'Oréal model
Casa di Giulietta. A tiny courtyard, buried in padlocks and love declarations, swamped with Asian tourists all pushing and shoving to touch Juliette's right breast (touch and you'll find true love). It's an odd experience. The whole place is a bit gaudy and you'll probably find yourself wanting to roll your eyes and tut 'tourists'.
But when in Rome Verona
Then back to the main programme of the day. Bar-hopping. Kat is drinking a Spritz Hugo, a more refreshing elderflower version of Spritz.
And there we sat until it was time to go home

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