
six point snowflake

A few years ago I was tasked with making a ski chalet look festive. Sounds simple enough. Except the chalet was still living the 1970's. Brown carpets, brown walls, brown sofas, brown curtains, brown everything. With only a 2ft christmas tree, some tinsel which had seen better days (the 1970s electrics couldn't handle the excitement of fairy lights) and assorted baubles, I started to panic. I needed a chrismukkah miracle! It arrived in the form of Gin Guiver, a graphics/chef-straordinaire. Armed with a pad of paper and Rod Stewart's christmas album, we prepared ourselves for an all-nighter of folding, chopping and really, really, really bad singing.

Stick them on windows, on walls, hang them from the ceilings, wrap your presents with them. They'll make even the most awful brown floor-brown wall combination look like a winter wonderland.

Gin's 6-point snowflakes:

An extra special mention to my brother who is about to head off to the Alps for his very own ski adventure. He may not have a Gin Guiver on hand, but hopefully her snowflake guide and Rod Stewart will be able to work some christmas magic! If you're ever in need of a chrismukkah miracle or a graphic design miracle, you can find Gin here.

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