Tis the season to have a birthday, tra la la la la la la la la. This time it was Jess's (this time being a few weeks ago but i've been a bit lazy). Nothing beats a birthday surprise. Me and Alice had gotten our thinking hats on and decided on something classy and fizzy. All Jess knew was that at 20h00 she would meet her date outside Hermès and that she should look chic.
Avec date.
The classy part involved a fabulous wine bar called Aux Quatre Coins. Think wine bar meets vending machine (it's much cooler than i've just made it sound). You get a card, top it up with €, choose which wine you want and how much of it. Then you keep going until your card's used up and you're nice and merry. Obviously there are some great and expensive wines to taste and obviously we pumped for the cheapest.
Then we brought the fireworks to the party. Or the party to the fireworks if you're splitting hairs.
And then in came the mojitos like the animals in Noah's ark..
Two by two!!!!!!
At this point mystery glasses of raspberry champagne appeared on the table. No mindsweeping involved, nor did we accept drinks from strangers. I'll remind you that's a health hazard. However i may have accidentally concealed a bottle of champagne on my person for when the clock struck midnight and it was officially birthday time. In hindsight this was also a health hazard. And about the point where things started to go a bit downhill..
Jess's actual birthday was a much more chilled affair. Sitting in the park, hair of the dog-ing, eating our hangover, playing cards and listening to sounds of the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and 00s.
When in France...
The birthday bella with her birthday baguette
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